Koonawarra Public School

The Koonawarra Way - Doing School Different

Telephone02 4261 2880


Kindergarten Transition

Kindergarten Orientation and Transitions


At Koonawarra Public School we understand that starting Big School is not only exciting but can bring a range of emotions with it. We want to make it a positive experience, getting to know our newest members of the KPS family early. 


We have multiple opportunities for children to experience what it will be like to be in kindergarten at KPS. Each transition session focuses on getting your child familiar with the setting, teachers and expectations of Big School in a fun, hand-ons and supportive way. 


If your child is already part of our onsite preschool, Koonawarra Public School Preschool, every Wednesday afternoon children visit the kindergarten rooms, building strong relationships with other students and teachers. Our preschool also engages in many of our whole school activities such as The Book Parade, Easter Hat Parade, The Way Ceremonies (award assemblies), library and many more! 

We have 6 transition sessions throughout the year: 

Term 3: Parents/carers stay with their child during the sessions, experiencing a little taste of the kindergarten program together.

Date and Time: Sept 11, 18, 25 from 10:00-11:00am


Term 4: Parents/carers drop off their child at the classroom, getting children used to pick up and drop off. 

Date and Time: Oct 23, 30, Nov 6 from  9:30-11:00am


Term 4 Orientation:

Our Kindergarten Orientation for parents/carer and children, is a half-day experience with parents/carers enjoying a coffee catch-up, community speakers, staff introductions, and uniform purchasing. Children will engage in activities, tour the school, enjoy “recess” and meet up with their Year 6 Buddies. 

Date and Time: Nov 13 from  9:30-12:00 pm