Koonawarra Public School

The Koonawarra Way - Doing School Different

Telephone02 4261 2880


Birthdays and Food at School

Birthday Treats

Birthday Treats and Cakes

Your child's birthday is a wonderful time to celebrate and for many of our students they wish to share this experience with their classmates and peers. Students are welcome to celebrate their birthday at school with a song and a sweet treat from home.

If you wish to supply a treat for your child’s birthday, we ask that you keep the following in mind:

  • Please provide your child’s  teacher 48 hours’ notice. A dojo message is sufficient.
  • No homemade cakes are permitted.
  • Store brought individual items (e.g., mini cupcakes from Woollies ‘or Coles) ONLY
  • There can be no cakes/items that need to be cut prior to consumption.
  • Packaging must have ingredients list visible.
  • This is for health and safety reason and there will be no exceptions.

We thank you for your understanding.